Thursday, October 3, 2019

This Month's Hypothermia + Patreon Giveaway!

This month's Hypothermia / Patreon giveaway is a Corsair Dominator Platinum 3,000MHz 64GB memory kit. This giveaway runs until Friday 11-1-2019.

Also, just a reminder that Hypothermia readers are allowed one email entry per day. As an added bonus for being a Patreon backer, you automatically get an extra daily entry for supporting Hypothermia, no email entry required. Pretty cool, am I right? If you aren't a Patreon backer, now would be a good time to join!

To enter, simply drop us an email at with "Dominator DDR4" in the subject line.

We do NOT share your email address or information with anyone...EVER, for any reason.