And the survey says....
This Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll was conducted online and by telephone July 9-Aug. 5, 2019 among a random national sample of 2,293 adults age 18 and over as well as 629 teenagers ages 13-17. The adult sample includes oversamples in the Southwest, Mountain West/Midwest, New England and Southeast/Gulf Coast regions. Results from the full survey have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points among adults and plus or minus five percentage points among teens. The sample was drawn through the AmeriSpeak panel, the probability-based panel of NORC at the University of Chicago. The national and teen samples are weighted to match the geographic and demographic makeup of the U.S. overall, according to Census Bureau data. Parentheticals within questions indicate clauses that were randomly rotated for respondents. Full methodological details at the end of this document.