Friday, February 1, 2019

Web Traffic Ranking Update

Remember back in the end of 2017 when I explained just how badly I had overestimated my website traffic early on because I didn't know what the Blogger platform considered as actual traffic? Well, fast forward fourteen months and now we have actual Alexa Traffic Rank stats:
  • 90.6% of all my traffic comes from the US and Canada (no surprise)
  • Most of my traffic is organic (direct visitors)
  • Search traffic is 8.2% 
  • 8.4% of my traffic comes from Google, followed by 7.7% from Facebook, 4.9% from Yahoo and Bing providing 4.2%. 
  • My personal YouTube has over 1,100 subscribers and 3.3 million views
  • My biggest review so far was my Titan X: Maxwell vs Pascal review
My Alexa Trafic Rank sits at 63,644 in the US (good) which is on par with many of the popular tech websites on the web (or better). That being said, since the majority of my traffic is based in the United States, my global ranking is comically bad. 😒

The good news is that, although it has taken this long to get actual rankings from a reliable source like Alexa, I can now use these numbers when I approach companies about contest sponsorship and review products.