Friday, December 14, 2018

Web Traffic Update: Blogger Counts Everything as Traffic!

Hah! I just learned that Blogger, the platform my website uses, counts EVERYTHING as "traffic." Bots, spiders, viewing your own post, sneezes, you name it, it counts as a visitor. What that means is that, aside from Google Adsense, I have no idea how many unique visitors I have AND the numbers I was bragging about a few months ago are waaaaayyy off. Were talking by as much as 20x, maybe more.

Making matters worse, Alexa hasn't ranked my site yet, even though it has been over a year. Part of the problem is that, for more than 4 years, my site was parked and redirected to HardOCP. I reached out to Alexa and, as expected, the answer was "we'll look into it."

So, aside from bragging that "I'm kind of a big deal on the internet," all I have are Adsense and (hopefully soon) Alexa rankings for legit stats.

Some interesting stuff about the site (from Google Adsense):
  • Almost all my traffic comes from the US (no surprise)
  • Bounce rate is just over 52% (good)
  • Page views per visitor  is 2.7
  • Daily time on Site per visitor is 3.2 minutes
  • Most of my traffic is organic (direct visitors)
  • Search traffic is 8.5%
  • Almost 10% of my traffic comes from Facebook, followed by 8% from Google, 6% from Bing and Yahoo providing 5%.
  • Biggest article so far was my Titan X: Maxwell vs Pascal review
I'll update you guys more as I get better stats so that I'm not just talking out of my ass next time!