If you are shopping for a new gaming mouse, head on over to TweakTown and check out their review of the Tt eSPORTS Ventus R. Trust me, you'll be glad you did.
It seems that the group over at Tt eSPORTS is never short of ideas when it comes to thinking up a new mouse for the masses. Tt eSPORTS has covered the gamut as well, with mice so fancy they had BMW help with the design, all the way through the midrange, and have solved issues for users, even if these matters were niche. To be blunt, we cannot recall any of the mice, not matter how fancy, or if they looked like an Xbox controller, one thing has always rung true. No matter which components were used inside, no matter the shape or style, Tt eSPORTS has never sent us a bad product, no matter which family line it stemmed from.